College Application Essay Coaching

The way you tell your story can make all the difference to admissions readers.

We help our students create admissions essays that highlight their strengths, personality, and potential — making them compelling and competitive applicants.

Support for every step of the writing process



This first step can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. With a whole life to draw from, how should applicants decide what to include in an essay?

Our brainstorming processes help students to unlock their creativity and to determine which of their personal experiences will resonate most with admissions officers.


Building a Narrative

Stories have power, and effective storytelling creates powerful admissions essays. Admission readers want to hear about a student’s journey to becoming the person he or she is today — likely the most consequential story that student has ever been asked to tell.

We help essay writers organize scattered thoughts, discover their big ideas, and form everything into a cohesive whole.


When it comes time to write, we all can get stuck — that’s a natural part of the process. The trick is not to stop there.

We teach strategies to overcome the dreaded “writer’s block” and turn ideas into words, sentences, and paragraphs.


Editing, Refining, and Perfecting

Applications should show students at their best, so it’s important for each essay to go through multiple drafts and edits before a final version is submitted.

In this last stage of the writing process, we coach our students on using language to its best effect and making other targeted adjustments that mean their essays – and their personal strengths – will truly shine.

“Thank you so much for going through this process with Theresa. Your guidance was crucial and she is very proud of her application. I read all of her essays and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t shed a tear. I am confident she gave it her very best shot.”

— Susan, parent from LaFayette, CA